On this occasion we have a classic strong ale. The quintessential big bulky Scotch ale, Orkney's Skullsplitter. I haven't written any tasting now on this thus far, on cask this is a beastly, sweet, rich malt ale. This time its bottled, a bit more carbonated, not quite as creamy and smooth but still a superb gem.

330ml bottle, served slightly chilled, 8.5%abv.
Poured into a wide bowled Duchesse de Bourgogne glass. Deep rich ruby body, glimmers of gold floating around too. Rich sticky off white head, bubbly and some solid retention.
Nose is full of rich Christmas pudding and rich alcohol soaked fruit. A touch of mustiness from the malt, touch of yeast on the nose too. Buttery caramel and lots of sweet esters
Smooth alcohol stuffed dried fruit. Sticky malty body with a touch of marzipan and amaretto. Some lasting crisp biscuit malt on the finish and a breath of alcohol.
Its been some time since this crossed my path, it still holds its own today though. A shadow of its 'cask' self but certainly remains one of the best Scottish strong ales.
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