This Scottish brewery has really made a name for themselves in the last year or so. The range of output is phenomenal and they don't appear to have typical reservations around abv, hop bills and brewing techniques. Chaos Theory is one of their many takes on an IPA, 7.1%abv and contains a firey hop bill.
330ml bottle, served chilled (in the same glass I've been using for all my beer notes over the last week or so, I will dip into the collection and change things a little)
It pours with a rich, slightly hazy amber body. Whispy off white head soon settling to a modest half finger.
Not a huge nose, English hops beefed up with an almost pilsner-esque Sazz aroma. A touch medicinal but only very slight, some fruity notes too but nothing overpowering
On the palette. huge biscuity dry lingering hops. A whack of quinine and grapefruit acidic notes, followed by a lasting pleasing dryness on the finish. Backbone of pale malt with a touch of alcohol too. Not big on aromas but hugely hopped bitterness on the palette. Some esters lingering around the mouth punctuated by bills, ballsy bitterness
This would be a great accompaniment to anything hot and spicy. A big bowl of chilli, anything Thai or cajun.
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