Saturday, 1 February 2014

TASTING NOTES: Founders Breakfast Stout

A legend in its own right, Founders Breakfast Stout uses a host of interesting malts to create a rich, big, full-bodied stout. Served slightly chilled.

This 8.3% imperial pours with the predictably opaque deep brown body. No light penetration and fairly viscous - although nothing like the unctuous chewy molasses of some of the bigger brews.

Tan head with a mixture of bubble sizes. Snake-like lacing up and down the inside of the glass.

A monster of dry cocoa on the nose - genuinely dry and smokey. Tobacco, tar, heaps of freshly brewed strong coffee. Crisp, charcoal fire, Turkish delight.

Initial whack of bitter coffee and dark, dry, cocoa powder. Fairly robust carbonation giving the style and strength of the brew. Lingering American hops, espresso bitterness, some purple violets and a touch of sweetness over the lasting bitterness.

Delicious and complicated - as seems to be the consensus here. Not as sweet as some of the 8%+ brews, but balanced, deep and rich all the same.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

TASTING NOTES: Founders Backwoods Bastard

From the creators of the industry and tasting standard IPA, Centennial, comes Backwoods Bastard.

A big, ballsy Scotch ale, with a 10.2% abv to match.

It pours with a reassuringly deep, rich amber, come mahogany hue with shades of maroon teasing where the brew meets the glass. Short a dense nicotine stained off-white head. Two or three millimetres with faint lacing clinging to the side of the glass.

Whether this is a Scotch ale or not is up for debate. The nose has all the characteristics of a malty traditional English barleywine. Prunes, dates and a waft of stinky cheese. Sticky toffee pudding, wave of thick esters and touch of plastic and resin. Slightly soapy.

An instant of dry dark cocoa powder, making up the initial fleeting seconds on the palate. Sweet, syrupy, molasses and honey - all backed up with heaps of dark Belgian-esque dried fruit, seeped in brandy. Esters and acetone. A touch of floury powder on the finish along with a a touch of booze - although very slight.

A lovely wintry, full-flavoured big ale. Served off room temperature as it warms the flavours and aromas develop further. A tasty drop.